Tuesday, March 27, 2012


These are the 5 key word of each presentation of yesterday.

The oral approach and situational language teaching.    March, 26…
-          The learner has to listen and repeat.
-          The teacher has the control of the content.
-          Language learning is habit-formation.
-          It’s useful for beginners.
-          Put emphasis in grammar and pronunciation. 

-          Communication
-          Contextualization (social-culture).
-          Learner-centered and experience based.
-          Meaning is paramount.
-          Group work, pair interaction students.

-          Speech- action.
-          Positive mood.
-          Teacher plays an active and direct role.

  -        Performance
-          Unconscious
-          Music
-          Therapy

-            Responsibility
-            Autonomous
-            Grammatical (lexical items is discovered by students)
-            Experience Learning

Class of March, 21

Methodology. March 21.  

Design ------- Objectives.
1. Lexical Syllabus
2. Notorial.
3. Skill – Based.
4. Grammatical –Lexical.
5. Flexible (ask students what they want to learn).
Objectives ------ Are very important, fist of all we have to choose the activity and after that write the objectives.
Bloom ------ 1. Cognitive ----- Memorize, describe, identify and compare.
                     2. Affective ----- To feel secure, respect to the teacher and students and enjoy the class.
                     3. Kinetic – Motor---- Try to find ways to work, like pair work or work outside the school.

Learner Roles.
Activity participle.
Doing Things.
 Problem – Solver
Provide activity to solve the problem.
Students working with the weak students.
The students propose discussion.

Teacher Roles.
Students feel free to say whatever they want.
About vocabulary, grammar, etc.
Guide, try to help students.
In pronunciation, vocabulary, content, etc.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Methodology.   March, 19 and 21.

Ø  Krashen and Terrell: Here I presented you the items of Natural Approach.

The Natural Order Hypothesis
We acquire the rules of language in a predictable order.
The Acquisition/ Learning Hypothesis
Adults have two distinctive ways of developing competences in second languages that are acquisition that is by using language for real communication. And the other one is learning that is "knowing about" language.
The Monitor Hypothesis
Conscious learning can only be used as a Monitor or an editor.
The Input Hypothesis
Humans acquire language in only one way - by understanding messages or by receiving comprehensible input.
The Affective Filter Hypothesis
A mental block, caused by affective factors that prevent input from reaching the language acquisition device.

In this table I’ll describe you the differences between Acquisition and Learning.

implicit, subconscious
explicit, conscious
informal situations
formal situations
uses grammatical 'feel'
uses grammatical rules
depends on attitude
depends on aptitude

Here is a combined model of acquisition and production.

The general ideas of Natural Approach are:
The goal is 'the ability to communicate with native speakers of the target language.  
Acquisition activities are central, though some Monitoring may be useful for some people sometimes.
Lower the Affective Filter: they won't learn if their affective barrier is too high.

Acquisition is a subconscious process identical in all important ways to the process children utilize in acquiring their first language.
Learning which is a conscious process that results in 'knowing about' the rules of language.

- I found this page with all the material of Natural Approach of Krashen and Terrell, I hope you watch it and enjoy it.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Practice Experience


My first Practice was at Colegio Orlando Peña, it’s a primary school that is located in Gomez Carreño. I was assigned two courses, 1st grade and 6th grade.
The courses weren’t divided into levels; there was only one per grade. The courses are composed of approximately 25 to 30 students. In 1st grade there were only 15 students, in 6th grade there were 27.
The students had a coursebook that was given by the MINEDUC that had all the material that the students would use for the entire school year. It was the only material that was used to teach the students, she didn’t use other books, games or anything that would motivate the students.  About 100% of the classes I participated in were only coursebook. She had a very traditional methodology because she never used anything new, didn’t have interesting material.

It was a great experience because I was able to see what teachers do and how they teach in a difficult teaching environment. I also learned to copy some of the good things the teacher did and to avoid the bad things. The children were great, but undisciplined.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Nature of Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching

Theory of Language March, 14.


Theory of language

There are three theories on language:
1) Structural view: Understanding (meaning) in target language is the main objective of language learning. Focus: phonological unit, grammatical unit, grammatical operation and lexical item (function words and structure words)
Method: Audio lingual method, TPR, the Silent Way.

2) Functional view: Language is a vehicle for the expression of functional meaning. Language takes as its role to communicate (transfer and receive information). Focus: semantic and communicative dimension rather than merely the grammatical characteristics of language, and leads to a specification and organization of language teaching content by categories of meaning and function rather than elements of structure and grammar.

Method: Communicative Language Learning.

Structural: System of rules.

Functional: Categories of function and meaning.

Interactional: Vehicle of Social
                        Interaction and Transactions.
                        Experience (learners).


Theory of Learning:  Is a process oriented in: Habit, Induction, Inference, Hypothesis, and Generalization.

Condition – Oriented: Is the Nature of the human, physical context.


Friday, March 16, 2012

1 First class of Metyhodology

What is Methodology?  

According to the class of March, 12. Methodology for me  is a procedure or a sets of practices that helps teachers to plan a class, in wich also contains strategies of teaching, assesment and teaching resources.

Ø  Teaching English in Chile
in Chile we have three types of schools:
1.    The Private Schools.
2.    The Public Schools
3.    Particular Subvencionado Schools.  
But in general the teachers have problems to teach in a class, and now I’m going to tell you what are the problems:
One of the problems is the low motivation that the teacher have to teach a content.
Not enough time: In the classroom the teachers don’t have much time to do their classes because they only have 4 or 6 hours at week, so that is’n enough time to complete all the planification that they have.
Lack of Material: Sometimes the teachers don’t have enough material to do their classes, because they don’t planificate at time. And that is a big problems at schools.
Lack of Techniques: The first technique we need to master is activity because this is the most important technique of effective classroom management to get right. If teachers don’t have this they are lost in his class.
Lack of Control: One of the reasons could be your teaching style. If you aren't reaching every one of your students, they can become bored, disinterested and restless. Another reason for discipline issues is that you may be dealing with students with many personal problems.
Qualified: The teachers have to be qualified to do their classes, they have to manage  the content and the material, also thay have to prepare for everything.
Cultural Context: The teachers have to established a climate of respectufl relationships emphatic with their students. Also creating a climate of respect for gender differences, cultural, ethnic and socio-economic. 
Committed Teacher: Teacher commitment has been identified as one of the most critical factors for the future success of education and schools. Teacher commitment is closely connected to teachers’ work performance and their ability to innovate and to integrate new ideas into their own practice, staff turnover, as well as having an important influence on students’achievement in, and attitudes toward school.
The level of teachers’ commitment is considered to be as a key factor in the success of current educational reform agenda as it heavily influences teachers’ willingness to engage in cooperative,reflective and critical practice.

Learning a Language: Skills ( Reading, Writting, Listening, Speaking).



